Healthy Emotional Development

State of Babies Yearbook 2023: Data for Policymakers and Advocates

The State of Babies Yearbook: 2023 makes clear that our nation’s systems have not ensured all babies have the supports they need to thrive. A nation that tolerates grave disparities and does not prize equity cannot be strong in the long term.
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Social Determinants of Health for Infants and Toddlers

The Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) for infants and toddlers shape development from the start, with life-long consequences. Our latest report, produced in partnership with Child Trends, uses State of Babies Yearbook data to cast light on the specific Social Determinants of Health for babies and their families.  The resulting robust picture of economic and social resources available to the nation’s babies shows that while many young children are thriving, Black, Hispanic, and Ame...
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State of Babies Yearbook 2022: Data for Policymakers and Advocates

The State of Babies Yearbook: 2022 makes clear that our nation’s systems have not ensured all babies have the supports they need to thrive. A nation that tolerates grave disparities and does not prize equity cannot be strong in the long term.
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Georgetown Center for Children and Families Highlights Growing Rate of Uninsured Infants and Toddlers

Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families published the report Rate of Uninsured Toddlers and Infants on the Rise in partnership with Think Babies. This analysis shows an alarming increase in the rate of uninsured young children, drawing on data from before the COVID-19 crisis, raising Continue Reading

COVID-19 Resources from Think Babies National and State Partners

Think Babies national and state partners are focused on how to meet the needs of babies and families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Partners shared the following resources with ZERO TO THREE, including federal and state policy recommendations and guidance to professionals and parents on supporting early development during this challenging time. While we’re pleased to share the wealth of resources from our partners, please note that it does not represent endorsement of the content incl...
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