Think Babies Videos

ZERO TO THREE developed four short videos to deliver concise yet powerful messages about Think
Babies and the importance of advocating for infants and toddlers. These 30-60 second videos highlight
early brain development, the role of families in advocacy, and the growing movement to prioritize
policies that support our youngest children. They also showcase the policy wins we’ve achieved together
at the state and federal levels.

We welcome you to use these Think Babies videos in infant and toddler advocacy efforts in your state by
sharing them on social media platforms, within local community groups, and throughout your network,
to raise awareness and recruit new advocates to join your campaigns.


Brief overview of each video:

  • “Our Babies Need You” – This video calls for individuals, families, and organizations to become Think Babies advocates and Be A Big Voice for Little Kids.
  • “Family Powered At Our Heart” – This video emphasizes the importance of families in infant-toddler advocacy.
  • “Growing Fast” – Highlighting rapid brain development in babies and its impact, this video stresses the need for supportive policies and the importance of advocacy and Think Babies policy priorities.
  • “State and Federal Policy Wins” – This video showcases the big wins for little kids, such as increased funding for child care and infant early child mental health, improved maternal and infant health policies, and more.


We hope these videos will be helpful in your efforts to raise awareness about the importance of
prioritizing infants and toddlers in state-level policy decisions and fostering a growing movement of
dedicated advocates.